Opinion Principe
Mosque is centre of activity for ummat Islam, as well as in religion or muamalah. This is a history since Islam outward. There fore aren’t surprised and that be necessity if ummat Islam always to think of Islam Assin pass many fold activity in the Mosque.
One point that still need solution is didn’t religion requirement that consequently centre of religion activity is Mosque. Beside that because the religion place (mosque) so far in our district.
So, to increase faith and piety for people at our district and in a hurry by desire people to race in goodness. So, to be important to build a mosque. In order to the people be a religion people and Islamic territory the mosque will build on religion ground of great 142,28 M2 (10 th Sod)
To increase Assin of Islam
To increase consciousness devotion Panday people
to district easy for religion at mosque
Realized a Mosque build and within facility
Estimate of the Cost
complete estimate of the cost enclosed
Self society
Contribution from the donor that legally and not bunch
Time of Concretion
The project will perform describe during the whole time that 3rd years from September 2002
The Project performer is a Nesaci People Ciawi district Tasikmalaya regent’s will be cooperate with Mosque Development performer committee. As for a complete committee formation enclosed
Such the proposal we make according to condition and necessaries and the proposal can changeable at all times according to necessaries
dicopy dari : http://nesaci.com/contoh-proposal-dalam-bahasa-inggris/
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